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Understand the Hidden Costs of Salesforce Before It's Too Late

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"Understand the Hidden Costs of Salesforce Before It's Too Late"

Don't get stuck in a dysfunctional CRM relationship.

Sometimes you just don't know what you're in for. Everything starts fine... He's so charming. She's so alluring. The whole thing seems so promising. It will be beautiful. Intimate. Lots of give and take. A real partnership.

But then things start to turn a little cold and sour. There are limits you never heard about back in the early days. It seems like everything has to be their way. You can't do this. You can't do that. Or if you do, they really make you pay. Finally, it's just take, take, take. And why put up with it? Because now it's too painful to change.

Don't let Salesforce draw you into a dysfunctional CRM relationship. Look before you leap. Read our guide to the hidden costs of Salesforce.

Offered Free by: SugarCRM
See All Resources from: SugarCRM

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