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Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for the Linux Bash Terminal

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"Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for the Linux Bash Terminal"

Use these Linux Bash shortcuts for navigation, editing, command control, and easy access to history--all available in a free cheat sheet.

The Linux Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is a shell and command language that is known to most Linux users, since it's the default shell in most Linux distributions.

A beginner Linux user may find the Linux terminal usage a bit hard to grasp, especially because it relies heavily on using your arrow keys to move around. Additionally, constantly re-typing the commands, each with a slight variation, can be annoying.

However, Bash comes with many easy-to-use keyboard shortcuts and history functions that ensure efficient use of the terminal. For making effective use of time, we have put together a list of the most commonly used Bash keyboard shortcuts.

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