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Create a marketing and sales portal in six steps

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"Create a marketing and sales portal in six steps"

If your company is like most, you have a content problem. Either you can’t find what you need, or you have too much content and too many versions.

Most businesses take one of two paths when they need to share content. Each has advantages and pitfalls: 

  1. Build a corporate portal. Months and many thousands of dollars later, you almost get what you ask for. And still no one can find anything.
  2. Use a file sharing site. Sites like Box and Dropbox are great at what they do. But when you have hundreds or thousands of files to search through, how do you find what you need?

Now there's a third option: Highspot.

Designed for business users, Highspot lets each department easily build and maintain portals. You can incorporate a wide range of content from marketing, sales, research and development, and other functions. And Highspot lets you organize the content along any number of dimensions so users can quickly find the information they need. 

Using this document, start sharing with six easy steps to creating a portal using Highspot.

Offered Free by: Highspot
See All Resources from: Highspot

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