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Please Don't Go - Tips for Improving Customer Retention

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"Please Don't Go - Tips for Improving Customer Retention"

A step-by-step guide for using predictive analytics to improve customer retention while minimizing discounts.

We've worked with hundreds of leading retail brands that all struggle with the same issue. They invest a lot of marketing resources in acquiring new customers. But they struggle to find effective ways to get those customers to stick around and make repeat purchases. In this step-by-step guide for retail marketers, we'll walk through a better way to improve retention and reduce customer churn. It's based on the use of predictive analytics coupled with continuous market testing to optimize retention while minimizing discounts. We’ll break it down into three phases—crawl, walk, and run—that start simple and add complexity as value is delivered.

Read the guide to learn:

  1. Why predictive analytics and advanced segmentation are key to reducing customer churn
  2. A step-by-step approach to building a predictive churn prevention program
  3. A customer-focused way to measure the success of your lifecycle marketing programs

Offered Free by: Custora, Inc.
See All Resources from: Custora, Inc.

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